
Crafting Your Own WordPress Widget Plugin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Want to make a custom widget for your blog that works just how you like? If you’re not sure how to start, here’s a simple guide on making your own WordPress widget plugin.

The widget we’ll create is a simple one that ranks posts on our WordPress website. The ranking will be based on the number of views each post has, with the most viewed posts appearing first. Of course, we will limit the display to the top 10 posts.

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How To Set Up vsftpd (FTP server) On Ubuntu

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that is used for transferring a file between computers. FTP is still used to support legacy applications and workflows with very specific needs. If you have a choice of protocol, consider modern options that are more efficient, secure, and convenient for delivering files like SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol).

vsftpd, very secure FTP daemon, is an FTP server for many Unix-like systems, including Linux, and is often the default FTP server for many Linux distributions as well. vsftpd is beneficial for optimizing security, performance, and stability. It also provides strong protection against security problems found in other FTP servers.

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Web Scraping with Python in Indonesian E-Commerce (Tokopedia)

In 2006, British mathematician and Tesco marketing mastermind Clive Humby shouted from the rooftops, “Data is the new oil”. And today we can see data has become a powerful weapon that can influence the direction of the world. It can decide the next action that needs to be taken in a business, increase goods selling by providing the product related to the customer’s taste, create good Artificial Intelligence to minimize human work, etc.

In this article, we will study how to get data from an existing website, this action is usually called web scraping. For this one, we will use Tokopedia, an Indonesian E-Commerce, as a study case.

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